Université franco-azerbaïdjanaise (UFAZ)

A unique educational initiative
UFAZ is an ambitious project initiated by the Presidents of the French Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2014. It is administered by the historic university of Azerbaijan - the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) from the Azerbaijani side and the prestigious University of Strasbourg (Unistra) from the French side.

Since 2016, UFAZ offers 4 Bachelor degrees (Chemical Engineering, Computer Sciences, Geosciences, Oil and Gas Engineering) and 3 Master degrees were launched in September 2020 (Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Geosciences).

On January 2021, UFAZ accounts for 625 students in total, out of those 559 are enrolled in Bachelor and 66 in Master study programmes.

Two Undergraduate Diplomas
UFAZ students will receive two national diplomas (French and Azerbaijani) upon graduation – one by the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and another by University of Rennes 1 (for Bachelor in Oil and Gas Engineering) or University of Strasbourg (for all other degrees).

Centre for scientific experimental teaching and research
UFAZ offers vast laboratory facilities that are exclusive in Azerbaijan for their technical equipment and research possibilities. A six-floor building, of the total surface of 2500m², was opened in 2018 to give students and faculty even more opportunities for research activities. It is equipped in full compliance with the University of Strasbourg standards : French experts from the University of Strasbourg actively participated in the renovation as well as the set-up of the laboratory equipment, imported mainly from France and Germany.

By today UFAZ has 3 chemistry laboratories, 1 chemical engineering laboratory, 4 laboratories in physics and applied physics, as well as 2 computer science labs and a wide range of field-geophysics equipment (shallow seismic, gravimetry, electro-magnetic sounding, ground-penetrating radar etc.). One of the computer science labs is equipped with a super-computer, which is a PARSEC (Parallel System for Evolutionary Computing) computer composed of 26 machines, operating in a collaborative manner by exchange of knowledge and designed for artificial intelligence and mathematical modeling of data.

Academic excellence
UFAZ delivers academic excellence thanks to our highly qualified full-time and visiting Professors. These dedicated and experienced instructors from Azerbaijan and France (Strasbourg University, Rennes 1 University and other higher education institutions) deliver their lectures in English. French is taught as a second language throughout all Bachelor programs ; this enhances students’ chances to continue their studies in a French speaking country at Masters level.

Our Bachelor candidates are Azerbaijani students who graduated from high school with a strong scientific background and foreign high-school graduates ; our Master’s candidates have completed a Bachelor degree in a related scientific discipline either at UFAZ or at another Azerbaijani university. Azerbaijani students have to successfully complete the exam of the State Examination Center (SEC) before passing the Bachelor or Master’s competitive entrance exam, organized in Baku under supervision from the University of Strasbourg, which also evaluates candidates’ skill in English. Foreign students are welcome to apply on a paying basis.

Summer School in Strasbourg
Every summer 40 students that have shown best academic results throughout the year travel to France for two-week long Summer School in Strasbourg. Students practice French and get acquainted with French culture and history as well as visit international organizations and scientific institutes of Strasbourg.

Opportunities for self-expression
Our mission is to create such conditions in the University where students can exercise their imagination, test their scientific ideas in our laboratories, incubate start-up ideas, and participate in extracurricular activities within student clubs. As part of self-expression, students are encouraged to create and complete projects such as photo and drawing contests, charity activities, filmmaking, theater, French choir lessons, etc.

Central location and accessibility

The main teaching activities at UFAZ are now located in a beautifully restored and refurnished historical building that opened its doors in the center of Baku in September 2017. This architectural pearl of Nizami street was once known as the third campus of ASOIU. It is located in the central street of Baku, which is unusually quiet and has many neighboring cozy coffee places/shops for every student’s taste ! It is also just five-seven minutes away from the city’s central “28 May” underground station and Baku youngsters’ favorite “28” Shopping mall (for more cozy spots and after-school activities). Most of the laboratories are located in a second building, specifically tailored to host scientific equipment and conveniently located five minutes away from the first building, between the city center and the “28” Shopping mall.

Contact us :
Events - events@ufaz.az
Careers - careers@ufaz.az
Admissions - admissions@ufaz.az
Info - info@ufaz.az
Donations - donation@ufaz.az
Tel : (+994) 12 599 00 74
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Compte Instagram

publié le 19/02/2021

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